Week of Events
Patriots’ Day Holiday – Center Office & Dinning Room Closed
Patriots’ Day Holiday – Center Office & Dinning Room Closed
The Center Office, the Dining Room & Colonial Federal Savings Bank in the East Wing will be closed. The Housing Office & Nando, the Barber, will be open. There is no Bingo.
Qi Gong
Knitting for Beginners
Evening Ceramics
Evening Ceramics
DIANA ALTHOUSE CR1 Join our Ceramics class for the “best deal in town” which includes; our very own Kiln, free firings, supplies (a dollar a week for paint) and …
Easy Chair Yoga
Massasoit Community College Senior Chorus
Massasoit Community College Senior Chorus
AUD You are cordially invited to enjoy the Massasoit Senior Citizen Chorus on Wednesday, April 17th, at 2:00 P.M. in the Auditorium. The Chorus is sponsored by the Center for …
Podiatrist (By Appt Only)
Computer Open House & Registration
Computer Open House & Registration
CR 4 (Computer Lab, East Wing) A special Q & A session/Open House will be open to all Residents and Center Members. Registration for the upcoming computer session will be held …
Zumba Gold
Tap Dancing
Tai Chi
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a series of continuous, circular, slow relaxed and smooth flowing movements that has numerous health benefits for people of all ages.