Week of Events
Evening Ceramics
Evening Ceramics
DIANA ALTHOUSE CR1 Join our Ceramics class for the “best deal in town” which includes; our very own Kiln, free firings, supplies (a dollar a week for paint) and …
Offices Closed in Observance of Martin Luther King Day
Clifford Marshall 4th Grade Holiday Concert
Clifford Marshall 4th Grade Holiday Concert
AUD The Fourth Graders from Clifford Marshall School will present their Annual Holiday concert in our Dining Room at 12:00 Noon. Please come and show your support for these youngsters …
Easy Chair Yoga
Podiatrist (By Appt Only)
Zumba Gold
Beaded Jewelry Making Class
Beaded Jewelry Making Class
GREY GRAHAM CR3 This class is designed for beginners, intermediate levels, and even offers a “workshop space” for advanced students who come to share their love of beaded-jewelry making – especially the fine-art craft of knotting. Learn the latest trends, tricks and techniques for using the right tools, and beads to help bring your inspiration …
*Bible Study
Qi Gong
Bowling League
Mat Yoga
St. Joseph – St. John Collaborative Mass
*Bridge Players
*Whist Party
Holiday Celebration
Holiday Celebration
EWL Join us at 12 Noon in the East Wing Lounge for a special holiday celebration. You will have a chance to buy tickets on some exciting Raffle items or Baskets. Entertainment will include the talented “Entertaining for a Cure” musical group at 12:30 P.M. and at 2:30 P.M. we'll have youth tap dancers from …