Summer Exercise Class Registration
Registration for the 2023 Summer Exercise Series is scheduled for the first week of June. Reminder – there are no classes the week of 6/5 during registration. Summer classes are $10 and you must register by calling the Center Office.
Computer Class Registration
Tuesday, June 6th ~ 9 AM - 12 Noon, registration will be held for the five (5) week summer series at 1000 Southern Artery. Please be sure to stop by the Main Office in the North Building at 1000 Southern Artery or call 617-471-1000 X106. The Summer Series will begin on Tuesday and Wednesday, June …
Mat Yoga
Mat Yoga teaches gentle stretches, exercise, deep breathing, relaxation, and meditation, which helps to increase balance, stability, and flexibility. Enjoy the benefits of yoga with more energy, strength, and better sleep. MON., 11:00 AM or FRI., 11:00 AM East Wing Lounge REGISTRATION FEE $15
Stretch & Strength Excercise
This class is for men and women who want to live a more active life. Reverse the normal aging process due to the loss of muscle and bone density by increasing strength using hand weights. Increase stamina and flexibility to make everyday activities more enjoyable. Improve balance with a series of exercises that, if needed, …
Easy Chair Yoga
Yoga is for everybody – even if you can’t touch your toes – yet! Dee Lyon (owner of Real Life YOGA) our inspirational instructor here at 1000 Southern Artery for many years, shares her expertise. Easy Chair Yoga includes strength building, a series of postures, breathing exercises to increase lung capacity, stretches to improve flexibility, …
Speed Painting
Bring your own easel, paints, canvas and brushes. Speed painting ala Bob Ross. Leave with a finished piece. FRI., 1:00 – 3:00 PM Classroom 3 NO REGISTRATION FEE