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Event Series Mahjong


Play and learn Mahjong.  Meet new people, learn to play, and most importantly – have fun! Instructions will be offered to those interested in learning how to play.  FRI., 9:30 AM North Wing Dining Room  

Event Series Mat Yoga

Mat Yoga

Mat Yoga teaches gentle stretches, exercise, deep breathing, relaxation, and meditation, which helps to increase balance, stability, and flexibility. Enjoy the benefits of yoga with more energy, strength, and better

Event Series Stretch & Strength Excercise

Stretch & Strength Excercise

This class is for men and women who want to live a more active life.  Reverse the normal aging process due to the loss of muscle and bone density by increasing strength using hand weights.  Increase stamina and flexibility to make everyday activities more enjoyable.  Improve balance with a series of exercises that, if needed,

Event Series Speed Painting

Speed Painting

Bring your own easel, paints, canvas and brushes.  Speed painting ala Bob Ross.  Leave with a finished piece.  FRI., 1:00 – 3:00 PM Classroom 3 NO REGISTRATION FEE

Special Holiday Celebration

SW AUD Join us on Friday, December 16th at 2:00 PM in the South Wing Auditorium for a special holiday celebration. Enjoy music and entertainment by Neil Lipson and friends

Event Series Whist


Whist is a classic English trick-taking card game.  Take a hand at this card game, which is good for your brain. Don’t know how to play whist?  We’ll teach you! Activity Room. FRI., 7:00 PM North Wing Dining Room