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Event Series Speed Painting

Speed Painting

Bring your own easel, paints, canvas and brushes.  Speed painting ala Bob Ross.  Leave with a finished piece.  FRI., 1:00 – 3:00 PM Classroom 3 NO REGISTRATION FEE

Event Series Whist


Whist is a classic English trick-taking card game.  Take a hand at this card game, which is good for your brain. Don’t know how to play whist?  We’ll teach you! Activity Room. FRI., 7:00 PM North Wing Dining Room 

Event Series Mat Yoga

Mat Yoga

Mat Yoga teaches gentle stretches, exercise, deep breathing, relaxation, and meditation, which helps to increase balance, stability, and flexibility. Enjoy the benefits of yoga with more energy, strength, and better sleep. MON., 11:00 AM or FRI., 11:00 AM East Wing Lounge  REGISTRATION FEE $15

Event Series Drawing


In this class, students work independently on projects and are encouraged to use art as an outlet of expression. MON., 1:00 – 3:00 PM Classroom 2   NO REGISTRATION FEE

Event Series Meditation


Want to feel better?  Want to calm down? TRY MEDITATION to cultivate open awareness of the world around and within you. Center Members and Residents are welcome to join this FREE practice. TUES., or THUR, 10:00 – 11:00 AM ZOOM (call Center Office at 617-471-1000 X105 for Zoom Information)